Dental Crowns Bridges Calgary Downtown
Dental Crowns Bridges
calgary downtown dentist crown bridges
What are dental crowns & bridges?

Your teeth are a sensitive part of your body. Corrective treatments such as our tooth repair treatments are needed when you experience serious issues with your teeth. Restorative and cosmetic dental treatments that are designed to be safe and comfortable.
Dental crowns
A crown is a sheath that covers your existing tooth. The crown can restore the tooth to its original shape and size while also strengthening and protecting the tooth underneath the crown. Whether from decay, a tooth fracture or a failed restoration (e.g. fillings), a dental crown can help restore your teeth and even help your smile.
There are several types of dental crowns available and they can provide a great solution for damaged teeth.
Types of dental crowns
All-metal crowns are created entirely out of metal. While the classic all-metal appears gold in coloration, other types of dental alloys, some of which have a ‘silver’ colour, may also be used.
Metal crowns are typically chosen for those applications where greater strength is required and cosmetic appearance is not a concern.
All-ceramic crowns are made entirely out of some type of dental ceramic such as porcelain. When they’re created, most types are either handmade by a dental technician or computer milled out of a block of ceramic by a special machine. Both techniques have their own advantages.
All-ceramic crowns are typically placed in those situations where appearance or aesthetics is a big concern (The “Social teeth”). Advancements in dental technologies and materials now allow patients to choose from much more durable all-ceramic options.
Porcelain fused to metal
Porcelain-fused-to-metal dental crowns (PFM crowns) can be thought of as a combination of all-metal and all-ceramic crowns. When PFMs are made, porcelain is fused to an underlying metal substructure in a high-heat furnace.
While in the past PFMs were the most common crown restoration, the underlying metal substructure does not allow light to pass through porcelain. This will make a PFM more opaque and may make it difficult to color match an existing natural tooth. The result is often an opaque or flat-looking tooth.
PFM crowns may also leave a dark or grey line next to the gum line. This line is actually caused not from the metal showing but from the effect of blocking the light into the remaining tooth structure.
The facts about porcelain
All-porcelain crowns have a polish and shine similar to dental enamel.
Additionally, because dental porcelains now have the same hardness as tooth enamel, the crown is very durable. To take advantage of the maximum lifespan of your porcelain crowns, just treat them like you would treat your original teeth. Good oral hygiene, regular check-ups and cleanings will get the most mileage from your porcelain crown restoration.
No dental restoration will stand up to excessive wear from grinding and clenching. Even all-gold crowns can be worn down and will not last forever. We unfortunately do not have permanent dental materials. If you clench or grind your teeth, you can discuss this with your dentist about how to protect your teeth for your lifetime.
Porcelain crowns can be carefully matched in colour to look like your natural teeth. Many people choose porcelain crowns for their cosmetic appearance and the confidence it gives them.
Some people prefer not to use gold because it stands out from their other teeth. At the same time, if the crown is on a back molar, some people feel the cosmetic issue is not a big one. We will discuss the types of materials available with you if a crown is recommended.
local dentist for dental crowns & bridges
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The difference between a dental crown and a dental bridge

A dental crown covers a single tooth. A dental bridge actually bridges the gap created by one or more missing teeth.
A bridge is made up of two crowns for the teeth on either side of the gap. These two anchoring teeth are called abutment teeth, and the abutment teeth are joined in the middle by a false tooth placed between them. All of these parts are made as one single jointed unit that is cemented or bonded over the gap caused by a missing tooth.
How much does a dental bridge cost?
Because every case is unique, please come in for a consultation so that Dr. Westersund can go over the treatment options and costs with you.
When and why are bridges used?
If you have one or more missing teeth, the remaining teeth can drift out of position. This will lead to a change in the bite, and may cause the loss of more teeth, tooth decay and gum disease.
When tooth loss occurs, downtown Calgary dentist Dr. Westersund may recommend the placement of a dental bridge. Designed to replace missing teeth and support surrounding teeth, a bridge is a grouping of interconnected crowns. Held in place by teeth on either side of the gap, a bridge can reduce the movement or tipping of teeth into the gap and may help correct bite issues caused by missing a tooth.
How are bridges constructed?
Dr. Westersund will shape and prepare your teeth on each side of the gap in your mouth. He then will make an impression of the area that will be sent to a Dental Laboratory. A temporary bridge is formed and fitted in the prepared area until the bridge is back from the Dental Laboratory.
During your next visit (typically about a week later), the temporary bridge will be removed and the permanent fixed bridge will be placed, adjusted and cemented into place.
What are the results with bridges?
Once the bridgework is cemented, you can once again enjoy your favourite foods with confidence. Bridgework allows you to avoid the sunken-in appearance caused by missing teeth and stabilizes the area of the dental arch to give you a more youthful appearance. You’ll be able to smile once again with more confidence.
What other options are out there?
Sometimes a bridge is not the treatment of choice. Your options include a dental implant, a removable partial denture, or to simply do nothing.
Our office will go over all options with you when you visit us for a consultation.
Dr. Westersund offers long-term corrective dental solutions
If your missing teeth are starting to impact your well-being, come and see us for tooth repair services in Calgary. Don’t put off corrective dental treatments. Fixing your teeth is important for not only your oral health but for your mind and body wellness.
At Dentalife, we are dedicated with providing you with the safest and most comfortable option for damaged teeth. Schedule a consultation or call us at 403 262-9898 today!

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crowns bridges faqs calgary
Dental Crowns & Bridges FAQ's

Do crowns harm your teeth?
Not really. Crowns help correct damage or misalignment of teeth that is present in your pearly whites. Crowns strengthen your teeth with old fillings and restorations. Crowns can improve bite forces that may lead to tooth fractures. Crowns can be both strong, and attractive. Crowns can last for a very long time. Crowns done decades ago may still be fine.
Do I have to spend more time cleaning my crowns?
Once you receive your crown, make sure the area is well maintained by brushing and flossing below the gum line. While the crown protects your tooth from more decay, you have to protect the base of the crown from bacterial growth and gum disease. Regular brushing and flossing will help keep your crown and the surrounding gums healthy and strong.
How much does a dental crown cost?
Because every case is unique, please come in for a consultation so that Dr. Westersund can go over the treatment options and costs with you.
Does my dental plan pay for crowns?
Your Dental Benefit package is a benefit created for you by your employer. The employer determines the extent of dental benefits they will supplement. It is different for all patients. Dental Benefit packages vary widely and how much they cover dental treatments will vary widely too.
For a more detailed understanding of your dental benefit coverage, contact our office and we can try to help you understand your benefits package.